Monday, May 27, 2013

Googling : "Bipolar Patient pushing loved ones away", i got those firsthand experience about Bipolar

About Bipolar Patient pushing loved ones away

Firsthand experience of Bipolar : 

My Boyfriend with BP is pulling away? What do I do?

Pushing me away, telling me things like “I don’t feel that I love you”, “This is my life, and I want to walk it alone”, “This has been an amazing adventure, but now its time to move on to my next”.
He wants to be alone in his room all day, playing video games, because as he states “my reality is so much more imaginative and creative.  In the real world there is no creativity”.
How to present bipolar pushing partner away
Pushing your partner away
Being in a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder can be confusing for the other partner — an up-and-down roller-coaster ride. You may be laughing and loving one day, and the next day depression may set in. Suddenly, you're isolating yourself and pushing your partner away. You may complain or be very easily irritated, says Tesar — in short, you may not always be pleasant to be around.
Postby dp33 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:14 pm
When someone is bipolar and untreated how can you communicate with them and be friends? They are so unpredictable. They can be so amazingly nice one day and throw you in the trash the next day. The automatic reaction is to tell them off and never see them again for the rest of your life. I have seen someone who would always lose friends and boyfriends because of her behavior .So my question is what should you do? Do they really mean the things they say when get angry? Which is the real person? The one that is nice and generous or the one that gets angry and pushes you aside? In my situation my initial reaction is to leave them and never talk to them again because they say hurtful things but I can't. Is it good to just not talk to them for a while and then get back to them later. Do they appreciate you still being friends or do they prefer that you leave them and never bother them again?

Bipolar Disorder - Family Support

Video : 0:20 - 1:00
Wife of a Actor : Maurice Benard, say about, He try to do everything he could to push her away.
Our Loved Ones
We can go off into a pit of depression, pushing the entire world away from us. We don't want to see anyone, let alone talk to anyone when we hit that depression hell. They
sometimes don't understand that it is the illness causing us to behave the way we do.
How do you explain something non-tangible to another person? We get blamed of using our illness as an excuse to be well, brats. Some BPers do this on purpose. But most of us do not. We don't want to walk around crying at everything in sight.
Should I send this "closure" letter to my Bipolar boyfriend? It's been 4 weeks.
I mean honestly, would you be friends with someone who said this to your face... in a five minute tirade:
1. "You bought my friendship."

2. "I'm glad we're not boyfriend/girlfriend."

3. "I'd rather have a business relationship instead of your friendship."

4. "I don't want you to move to flint, or follow me out-of-state."

5. "I'm not your baby"
6. "You're unstable for a relationship."
7. "You keep your eyes open when we kiss."

8. "I'll return your Christmas presents if you want me to."
9. "I could care less about your birthday."
10. "I'm going to f* as many people as I can "raw" if you date other people."

11. "I'm not going to apologize, because I meant every single word."

12. "You're the only one I'm chasing away."

13. "You have to pay me $50 per hour in order to hang out."

14. "I'll even find someone else for you to date."

16. "You should gain 30 pounds." (after i lost 50lbs)

17. "I don't need to impress you anymore since you're in love with me."
Re: Should I send this "closure" letter to my Bipolar boyfriend? It's been 4 weeks.
You have to understand that what your boyfriend did is not his fault - or yours. It's something much "bigger" and even though feel very left out, it's his bipolar that's pushing you away and not him. Sure, a lot of people say that love conquers all but we are not living in some movie or TV show.

Bipolar and relationships - Kerry's story

He is however often the target of my frustrations, purely because I trust him more than anyone else - ironic as it is that the one's we love the most are the ones we push away- but he has learnt  not to take my negativity too personally. This took time, but only because I spent so long in denial about being bipolar (about the first three years of our relationship) that I wouldn't let him try and reason with me. I can only imagine how frustrating, confusing and draining it must be for the person on the receiving end of my mood swings.

Do people with bipolar mean what they say when they are angry?

i have bipolar disorder. it has severe effects on my life that I resent. for example I am very in love with my exboyfriend, but im also enraged at the bad things hes done to me and sacrafices ive made for him. usually my love for him prevented me from saying hurtful things to him that express my hurt. but that part of my mind just isnt there at that time. so when the bipolar episode passes and I realize I wish I hadnt hurt his feelings its too late the damage is done. I finally appologized to him and we arent together anymore. its tragic for me because I feel as if I wont be able to have a healthy relationship with anyone because this disorder. its an illness. I am ill. and I am emotionally dying from it. tragic.

If someone has bipolar disorder, does hs/she mean what he/she says to you?

One of my classmates has bipolar disorder, he spoke a lot filthy language on my voicemail, and obviously he was in manic condition...
I just wonder that did he really mean to say that? Is there any meaning of what he said?
I know exactly how you feel my son has bipolar and yes when in a manic state comes out with some strange things also rude and aggressive words and they do know what they are saying but cant help it it is in some cases part of the illness. And they are genuine when they say sorry I heard my son tell the Dr over and over again he doesn't want to be like this it was really sad.

Q: how to keep bipolar wife from throwing away marriage

My wife is bipolar. When she has an episode, she wants to get a divorce. She leaves the kids and myself and moves in with friends or more often than not, her family. After months have gone by she will come around mentally and we will get back together. She has just been released from an involuntary stay in the phych ward and she has left us again. The thing is, that the doctors seem to have made some real progress with her, ie. changed her meds and took her off alot of meds that she was on. I love my wife very much and want to save our marriage. Please help.

My husband is bipolar and wants a divorce.

My husband has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder which causes him to make very extreme decisions. He has currently decided he wants a divorce. We have started to divorce process and are currently discussing a legal separation. I'm not sure of the separation could benefit me or not. We both live in the same house which he wants me to move out of. He has taken computers, blueray players, my computer, my ipad, etc out of the home. He has stopped paying all the bills most of which are in my name. He has closed out all the accounts and taken my name off the ones he has. I have absolutely zero access to our money. We own a franchise which we have 18 of. However they are not in my name so he feels I have no right to them or the money they are making.
He has three kids from a previous marriage which I love as if they were my own. He has told me that I am hurting the kids by not moving out and being cooperative with the divorce. I believe right the opposite... the divorce is hurting the kids so I am trying to do everything I can to prevent this from happening. I genuinely believe his mental illness is causing him to feel this way and I am fighting for our marriage to work.

Bipolar wife wants a divorce

She's threatened to leave before, but has never really done it. She usually changes her mind after about a day. To make an example, 4 days ago she said we'd be together forever. 2 days ago she said that she wants a divorce.


  1. My name is Cyrus, I want to testify of how i got back my boyfriend after breakup, we have been together for 3 years, recently i found out my boyfriend was having an affair with another girl, when i confronted him, it led to quarels and he finally broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back buh all to no avail until i saw a post in a relationship forum about a spell caster who helps people get back their lost love through spell, at first i doubted it but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this spell via his email, he helped me cast a re-union spell and my boyfriend left the girl and returned to me within 72 hours, we are happily together again. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship and marriage problems via his email Goodluck

  2. I am Miss Alana Welman from United State, i want to testify of how i got back my boyfriend after breakup, my boyfriend and i have been together for 3years, We both love our selves very much, recently he started accusing that i am cheating on him, i did all i could to make him understand that i was not cheating but all went to no avail and it eventually led to break up, i was emotionally devastated and frustrated because i loved him so much until, i saw a post on a love forum about a spell caster who helps people re-unite broken relationships and marriages, at first i doubted it but decided to give it a try, when i contacted the spell caster via email, (**he helped me cast a re-union spell and my boyfriend came back to me within 72hours apologizing.
    Contact this great spell caster today for your relationship or marriage problems via email:

    Good luck...


  3. My Name is Tam..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster once when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful.The woman i wanted to marry left me 2 weeks to our weeding ceremony and my life was upside down.she was with me for 3 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reason..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don't want to see me around her…so,when i told the man what happened.he helped me to do some readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the other man has done some spells over my wife and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell that will bring her back.At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 5 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she's back and we are married now with lovely kid and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum incise anyone needs the man.His email address is

    With best regards.

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