Monday, November 18, 2013

Bipolar Depression and Feeling Nothing at All

Posted on January 12, 2012 by Natasha Tracy

Bipolar disorder is an affective disorder, in other words it affects your emotions (among other things). Bipolar disorder symptoms are often about feelings. Well, they’re about FEELINGS. I feel HAPPY. I feel SAD. I feel IRRITATED. I feel ENERGETIC.

But one thing that’s rarely recognized is that sometimes bipolar disorder is about feeling nothing at all.

Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Depression is one of the two poles of bipolar disorder (the other being mania / hypomania). And myself, being bipolar type 2, I’m darn familiar with it because people with bipolar disorder type 2 spend 35 times more time depressed than they do in hypomania.

Depression and Emotion

And while depression is a “low” mood and, of course, is known for sadness, there is something else you might feel when depressed: nothing at all.
Yup. Nothing. Just a void. You feel an absence, if such a thing is possible. You feel the blank page, silence, dark matter, dishwater. You move through the world, and things happen to you that you know you should feel, but instead of feeling, nothing happens. Like turning the key in your car’s ignition and the car not starting – it’s unsettling.

Yay! I’m Not Sad!

So feeling nothing must be a great break from feeling terrible? Right?
Not in my experience. Feeling nothing just makes you feel like you’re not human, not like you’re not depressed. It’s like being the shell of a person. A walking and talking corpse. Like you’re nothing. The human experience with emotion removed isn’t the human experience – it’s really no experience at all.

Because emotions are how we make sense of the world around us. They are how we remember the day. If you loved the fact that you ate lasagne for lunch, you might remember it. If you ate the same dull ham sandwich for the 14th day in a row, you probably won’t. And what does anything matter if it doesn’t make you feel? If you don’t care about eating ice cream or seeing your kids smile or browsing a book store or taking a bubble bath then why bother doing any of those things? Why bother doing anything at all?

And this is the thing that people fundamentally don’t understand about depression. Depression, bipolar, mood disorders, are about moods that don’t respond as expected and in this case don’t budge at all. There is nothing to do, nothing to say, no strategy to try because nothing moves the needle, even a little. It’s not that I’m not trying it’s that trying doesn’t matter.
And that is a recursive depression. It’s depression that makes you feel nothing which makes you feel depressed which makes you feel even less (because yes, there are degrees of nothingness). It’s depression that breeds depression. Like bunnies. Depression bunnies, all grey and un-hoppy.

What to Do When You Feel Nothing
Now comes the part of the article when I make my stunningly insightful recommendations. Ah. I’m having trouble with that bit because I only have one suggestion: try to remember it wasn’t always like this and it won’t always be like this in the future.

That’s it. Try to remember. Because I don’t have a stunningly insightful recommendation for how to fix the problem, I can only remind you that the problem wasn’t always there and won’t always be there. You just have to wait. And trust.

One day the bunnies will hop again.

Bipolar And Marriage

It is October and the season here in San Diego changes in tender watercolor blurring toward fall -- the pool emptied of children, a few leaves and dead bees making circles on the surface, the wind carries a damp nesting smell, the skies dim. And just as suddenly, the heat mushrooms again, the pool shines turquoise with chlorine, the wind cackles dry and hot. I notice the second I step outside, and think of how swift change is, how merciless, how aloof. My husband, ill with bipolar II for months, is suddenly "better."
Suddenly he is himself again; he is mine, and the children's. I hate this disease, I think to myself for the hundreth, thousandth time. Bipolar, so insidious, so painful, and too often, deadly: The suicide rate hovers around 20 percent.

Bipolar is an actual disease of the brain, its occurrence largely dictated by biology, with a risk rate four to six times that of the normal population for a person with a parent or sibling with the disease. My husband is one of the unfortunate whose symptoms presented as a teenager and looked like depression until he hit 20 and the hypomania began -- severe irritability, clouded, irrational thinking, memory loss, rapid speech and dramatic, unrealistic expectations, followed by fatigue, suspicion, depression, lack of appetite, sleeplessness, nightmares. When this first began, our marriage exploded. He sat me down at the kitchen table one evening and simply said, "I can't do this anymore." I was in shock, disbelief: Where was my husband? I found out later he only realized how close he had stood to the edge when he was safely on the other side. In the grip of bipolar, people don't have "normal" feelings or thoughts. Our long journey back to each other involved dedicated steps by both of us on a path we are still walking.

Each episode of severe depression and hypomania damages the brain and makes it harder for a person to recover, so earlier diagnosis and treatment is ideal. In addition, treating a bipolar patient with depression medication usually causes them to have a bipolar episode, sometimes severe. Often, the incorrectly diagnosed patient believes the medication just doesn't work for them, not realizing it is simply the wrong disease being treated.

Luckily, my husband was diagnosed correctly before too many years passed and, after trial and error with medications, found one that works well for him. But! The caveat is that even bipolar medications that work well aren't foolproof, and during a busy, stressful time my husband ran out of medication and was already sick by the time it came in the mail. He also had been struggling to get to sleep at night, and sleep is, as bipolar expert (and sufferer) Kay Redfield Jamison says, the number two most important way to stay well, after medication. My husband has a rigorously disciplined sleep schedule that I admire, which keeps him even and available for his family. He is usually asleep by 9 p.m. and awake at 5:30 a.m. It prevents the illness from taking hold, especially during times when the brain is more vulnerable, like during great stress, intense weather changes, long dark days of January. 

We both understand the rules of behavior when he gets sick -- his and mine. In the first years, I furiously tried to "talk him out" of his emotions and behaviors when he was sick, a futile and damaging thing to do that came from sheer ignorance, fear and hurt. Once I was better educated about the disease, I understood that practical measures would help -- see the doctor, adjust meds, sleep control, reduce stress, give space -- but that emotional ones would not. He also takes a high-dose fish oil supplement, gets regular exercise and eats healthily. 

Our marriage has suffered because of bipolar, but because we choose to be honest with each other, and to put our family first, we have been able to make it work in a way that does not wreak havoc on our family life. And the great swaths of time when he is not ill, we are incredibly happy -- in love and best friends, a marriage I cherish.

Bipolar and divorce

Is there a connection between bipolar and divorce?
Can a person with bipolar disorder still be a wonderful spouse?
Are "bipolar families" doomed?
Research statistics do show that bipolar disorder is slightly more common amongst the single and divorced. The single and the divorced are more likely to have bipolar disorder when compared to people who are married or never married.
However, in Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression, 2nd Edition, experts Dr F Goodwin and Dr Kay Redfield Jamison state clearly that:
"we know of no evidence to support a causal relationship between the disorder and marital status".
Read the above statement again. It is very important information!
All over the Internet you will find the unsubstantiated claim that 90% of marriages to a person with bipolar disorder end in divorce. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS STATISTIC ON BIPOLAR AND DIVORCE. It comes from an article posted in 2003 on Psychology There is no research cited to back up the statistic and it is important to understand that this is a COMMERCIAL website, not an academic website for proper peer reviewed scientific research.


It is typical for partners of bipolar spouses to report higher than usual levels of conflict.
Again, as explained by Drs Goodwin and Jamison in their authoritative text:  "Although it is likely that symptoms of untreated mania are disruptive to forming or sustaining intimate relationships, this hypothesis is not supported empirically."
It seems incontestable that there is causal relationship between bipolar and divorce, and that bipolar creates serious challenges within a marriage. However, it is also important to remember that many marriages do work and that the 90% figure is unsupported and overstated.
Approximately 40% of American marriages end in divorce. This figure varies by age of couple, whether or not it is a first marriage, and whether or not there are children. In other words, we really mean it when we say "approximately"!

Two studies have found that divorce is twice as likely where at least one spouse has bipolar disorder. (Coryell et al 1993 and Drieling 2010)
However, in both of these studies the rates were high relative to the control group, but low compared to divorce statistics in general.
In the Coryell study, 45% of bipolar patients ended up divorced compared to 18% in the control group. In the Drieling study, 12% of bipolar patients ended up divorced compared to 6% of the controls.
Much more research is needed on bipolar and divorce, using larger samples and longer time periods and more careful matching with control groups before reliable conclusions can be drawn. 

One important point to note is that what research has shown is that marital outcomes for people with bipolar disorder are no worse than for the clinically depressed.

So what is it that makes it so hard to sustain marriage with a bipolar spouse?
A UK study by management consultants Grant Thornton, estimated the main causes of divorce in 2004, based on data from divorce lawyers:

1. Adultery; Extramarital sex; Infidelity - 27%
2. Domestic violence - 17%
3. Midlife crisis - 13%
4. Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling - 6%
5. Workaholism - 6%

It is easy to see where bipolar disorder, particularly where there is untreated mania, fits into this picture. After all, the hallmarks of untreated mania include hyper-sexuality, anger, impulsiveness and grandiosity, substance abuse, and compulsive behavior - all features that would reflect directly in the 5 main divorce causes cited above.

I lost my own marriage due to untreated mania - infidelity arising from bipolar hypersexuality. If adultery is the main cause of divorce, then bipolar disorder with its elevated rates of infidelity, is very likely to lead many couples to divorce:

A bipolar marriage may often seem very chaotic. We don't yet know how much of this due to the real time challenges of coping with manic and depressive episodes, and what proportion may be attributable to the poor relationship skills that come from growing up in a bipolar family.

Can we break the seeming nexus between bipolar and divorce? Of course! Remember that we have been discussing issues that arise when bipolar disorder is untreated. 

Problems also arise from other social, interpersonal, and general functional impairments suffered by people with bipolar. For example, the financial difficulties that arise from unemployment and the "downward drift" that characterizes even the brightest and best educated bipolar patients.

Another issue is what is known as assortative mating. This is the tendency for people with bipolar disorder to marry partners who also have bipolar disorder or other mood disorders or mental health challenges. This multiplies the bipolar and divorce risk exponentially.

It seems that accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plays a double role. As well as stabilizing the bipolar patient, the spouse is educated about the disorder. Evidence shows that spousal knowledge and understanding strongly contributes to a more successful, positive, happy relationship.

Like many people after diagnosis and treatment, I have had the wonderful blessing of a second chance. But I never forget the risks I present as a bipolar spouse.

For me, it is very important to use tools such as a Wellness Plan and a Treatment Contract so that my spouse knows I am taking my medication, seeing my therapist, and there is a safety net in place to prevent a manic or depressive episode from getting out of hand. 

There is nothing inevitable about bipolar and divorce!

It can be very difficult to find useful, practical and target resources that deal specifically with managing relationships with people with bipolar disorder.

One book we have found very helpful in our own home is Cynthia Last's:
The ideal is for a happy and healthy marriage with your spouse who is bipolar - not divorce.
This is a comprehensive but easy to follow book that provides the tools to support this important but challenging goal.

Beating the Marriage Odds

By Michelle Roberts
Reprinted with permission from bp Magazine, Winter 2007

Daniel Williams, a computer software engineer in Portland, Oregon, was used to solving complicated problems.        

But when his wife, Julie, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2001, he didn’t know what to do. Her moods could be described in two ways: So irate she would scream obscenities at him, or so depressed she could barely get out of bed. “It was pretty hard,” he recalls. “Of all the problems I thought we’d encounter during our marriage, mental illness wasn’t something I’d ever considered.”
The erratic behavior of a person in the throes of mania or depression can shake the foundation of a marriage. The diagnosis of a lifelong, life-threatening illness can scare a spouse away. Of course, no marriage or long-term partnership is easy. In the United States and Canada, at least 40 percent of all marriages fail. But the statistics for marriages involving a person who has bipolar disorder are especially sobering—an estimated 90 percent of these end in divorce, according to a November 2003 article, “Managing Bipolar Disorder,” in Psychology Today.

Despite these odds, bp Magazine has located and spoken with several long term couples facing bipolar issues who nonetheless are making it work. They all admit that their partnerships have been rocky at times, but that with counseling, love, and acceptance of the illness, they have not only stayed together, but have also grown stronger as a couple.        

For example, Daniel—amid the cacophony and confusion of Julie’s ever-changing moods—made a decision that would save his now 24-year marriage. Instead of seeing his relationship with Julie as “something I would have to write off and cut my losses,” he decided to view his continued support of her as “an investment in something worthwhile.”

When the symptoms of mental illness first begin to surface, most spouses don’t know what to think. They’re confused and feel like they’re drowning in chaos. “I was afraid I’d never [again] see the man I’d fallen in love with,” says Laurie Wildman, of San Antonio, Texas, whose husband, Michael (nicknamed Doug), was hospitalized with his first bipolar episode in 1998.


Following a diagnosis, the first and most dominant response from a spouse usually is sympathy, says David A. Karp, professor of sociology at Boston College and author of The Burden of Sympathy: How Families Cope with Mental Illness (Oxford University Press, 2002). “But further down the road, a spouse may experience emotions they don’t think they should be having—anger, frustration, and even hate.”

Indeed, caring for someone who has a mental illness can be more draining than caring for someone with cancer, says Dr. Karp. When a spouse does something for a mate with a physical illness, they are usually met with gratitude. People who have bipolar disorder, on the other hand, often deny the diagnosis, are unwilling to comply with medication, and—worst of all— treat one’s spouse like the enemy.

Laurie recalls the pain she felt when her husband, convinced he could control the “thunder” with his thoughts, screamed angrily at her for having him hospitalized. “For a few days,” she says, “he wouldn’t even see me.”

If a spouse can move through these times, he or she will reach a place of acceptance, Dr. Karp maintains. Those difficult emotions will then be replaced with softer feelings like love and compassion. Of course, this kind of transformation requires redefining spousal expectations and also redrawing the picture of what they had once thought life would look like.

For some couples, that may mean having to rely on only one income, going without annual vacations, or choosing not to start a family. For others, it may mean that many of the responsibilities of daily life fall on the well partner.

Exhausted with the demands of raising children and caring for her husband, Laurie says she yearned for the day when “someone would take care of me instead of the other way around.” She has had to accept that it’s okay if her life looks different than she once imagined. “You just need to accept that it is a loss,” she says. “That doesn’t mean you can’t still have a good life, just maybe not the one you’d envisioned."


Couples who seem to have the most success share the belief that the partner with bipolar disorder has an equal responsibility in the relationship with the well spouse. Most people embrace the idea that bipolar disorder is biological. If so, partners wonder: “Does my mate have any control over his or her personal behavior? Do they shoulder some responsibility to help themselves?”

The answer is “yes” on both counts, according to Dr. Karp. Although extremely manic or depressed individuals may be temporarily unable to help themselves, it’s important that they remain self-sufficient during periods of wellness. In cases where one partner has bipolar and the marriage ends, it’s usually because the healthy spouse feels he or she has done everything they can to help the other person become well. They have given unconditional love, scheduled counseling appointments, and monitored medications, but nothing has made the situation any better.

“As much as it’s a biomedical condition, people with mental illnesses can’t be let completely off the hook,” says Dr. Karp, who himself has major depression. “Of course, we can’t expect them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they’re acutely ill, but during periods of wellness they owe it to their spouses to do whatever is in their power to help themselves.”

This can be as simple as taking medications, working out regularly, or eating healthy. Without such actions, spouses can feel burned out if there’s “no reciprocation of their efforts,” Dr. Karp says.
Julie says it’s easy for her to become “very selfish” when she’s either manic or depressed. At one point, Daniel sat her down and told her, “I need you to pay attention to what’s going on here.” “It was a real wake-up call,” she says. “It hurt at first to know I was hurting him, but it made me realize that I had a responsibility to him and our marriage, not just to myself.”

Mark Karppinen, who lives in Ontario and has bipolar, says he sometimes worries about the burden his illness places on Jody, his wife of one year. Taking care of himself, he says, is like investing in his marriage.

“I don’t drink, smoke, or take drugs,” says Mark, who admits he has struggled with all those things in the past. “I exercise regularly, eat right, and study hard,” he says. “I’m doing these things not only for myself, but also for Jody. I don’t want her to ever feel like I’m not working as hard as I can to stay well.”


Rather than fearing the future, successful couples say they have used periods of wellness to prepare for episodes that may lie ahead. In the grip of mania, a person who has bipolar can easily wipe out joint checking and savings accounts. Without a second thought, they may leave the family with no money for groceries, let alone a mortgage payment.

Our couples suggest opening up accounts in the well spouse’s name for all expenses. Some couples also agree to give power of attorney or extend other means of limited control to the Well spouse—this for occasions when the spouse with bipolar is ill.

It’s also helpful to write down in advance a list of symptoms the spouse with bipolar exhibits when on the cusp of a manic or depressive episode. This way, both spouses can agree at what point to seek help for the spouse who has bipolar. With this approach, emotions are taken out of the equation, if and when the spouse with bipolar refuses help later on.

Partners become very good at identifying their mate’s symptoms. Often they can help the spouse seek help before the mania or depression spirals out of control. It’s also helpful if a couple designs a “road map for what to do,” according to Dr. Karp, when those symptoms appear. “It helps diffuse any anger or guilt that may come up when difficult decisions, such as hospitalization, are made,” Dr. Karp says. “It’s a plan that empowers both people in the relationship.”


Many spouses struggle with how to honor their commitment to help the person they love, without becoming engulfed in the spouse’s misery or mania. When a person is acutely ill, it may become necessary for the well spouse to take the other to physician appointments, make certain the person is taking his or her medication, even watch over the individual for safety. All this is in addition to taking over all the other household duties, such as paying bills or caring for children.

Often, caregivers’ relationships with other family members begin to suffer. They may begin to feel like their own identities are being buried—they are losing themselves or jeopardizing their own health.

“I do feel both afraid and burdened from time to time,” Laurie says. “In the midst of everyday deadlines and my personal issues, I have had to stop and deal with [my husband] going through mania or depression. It’s very hard.”

Spouses must learn to draw a boundary line, or risk losing themselves, Dr. Karp says. But it likely won’t be a permanent marked boundary. Wherever they draw the line, “the unpredictable winds of mental illness come in and blow it away,” Dr. Karp explains. As a result, “people have to keep redrawing the boundaries.”

Furthermore, Dr. Karp argues that sometimes people have to do the emotionally counterintuitive thing and withdraw. It may sound harsh, but it’s healthy. Spouses, he says, must learn to take care of themselves before they can take care of others.

Laurie has learned to put herself through school, something her husband, Doug, wasn’t always able to support. Manic and angry, Doug announced he wouldn’t attend her college graduation.
“I was determined not to let anything or anyone ruin that day—it was mine and I didn’t deserve to have it taken away just because my husband has an illness,” she says. “He ended up going after all, and I love him for that.”

Now, she is working toward a master’s degree.

“It’s important that I feel like my life can continue to move forward, even when my husband is struggling.”

Laurie and Doug 

It rained the day Doug and Laurie Wildman were married 25 years ago. Doug’s mother said it was a sign of good luck. It rained again the day their first child was born, convincing the couple that the superstition was true.

But it also rained the day eight years ago when psychiatrists wrapped Doug in a straight jacket and told Laurie she needed to commit him to a psychiatric hospital. Laurie, shaken and unsure of everything she thought she knew about her life and marriage, recalls, “I’ll never forget watching them drive away with Doug. He was screaming and strapped to the gurney. I felt like I’d stepped into a different world.”

The Wildmans, of San Antonio, Texas, had been married for 18 years and had four children, ages 10, 12, 13, and 16, when Doug had his first psychotic episode in 1998. Doug, a manager at a municipal water and sanitation plant for nearly two decades, had always been a loving, stable provider. It was terrifying, Laurie remembers, to see him so out-of control, speaking incoherently, and insisting he was God.

“I felt like I had just been led into a very dark place and, quite honestly, I didn’t think he or I would ever find our way out,” says Laurie, a teacher. When Doug’s psychiatrist told Laurie that Doug had been diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, she remembers asking, “‘What is that?’ I didn’t have a clue—had never heard of it before in my life,” she says. “I went home, got on the Internet and cried as I read about it. I thought it was something he would never recover from.”

Doug was in the hospital for nearly two weeks. After being stabilized on medication and seeing glimpses of Doug’s old personality, Laurie says she began to feel hope. Still, she found she was left with most of the responsibilities of their life together—from caring for the children to paying the bills. Even though she loved Doug, she still felt burdened.

“I had to seek counseling for myself after my husband’s second hospitalization because I felt cheated somehow,” she says. “I felt overburdened with having to make certain decisions on my own and feeling that I had to act a certain way.”

For a long time, it was difficult for Laurie and Doug to talk about anything except Doug’s illness. But as time passed, both learned to step back and enjoy the periods in which Doug is stable. Laurie says she has attended bipolar support groups with him, but not on a regular basis. “I don’t want him to feel like I’m constantly watching over him … that he [can] build his own networking system.”

At the same time, Doug says he feels reassured by Laurie’s presence in his life. “I don’t expect Laurie to hold my hand, but at certain times my mind is not completely there and it’s great to know that she stands by my side in the event I need her.”

Last summer, Doug was hospitalized a third time. Laurie says she seriously considered leaving him. Not because he was ill, but because she didn’t believe he was doing all that was in his own power to get better. “I thought, if he’s not going to make that extra effort to help himself, then I don’t have to stay,” she says. “I love him, but I just didn’t feel that that was my responsibility anymore. I’m giving myself that choice.”

Doug says his wife’s resolve to take care of herself made him want to get better. “It made me see that she’s not just sticking around because she feels sorry for me,” he says. “She can step away from it.”
Since his release three and a half months ago, Doug has never done better. Both he and Laurie have quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. They also began counseling for couples and joined a gym, where they work out at least three times a week.

Laurie says she feels more confident about her marriage than she has in years. Still, she knows that despite their many years together, she and Doug still take it day by day. “His caseworker asked me during his last hospitalization if I was ever afraid,” she says. “I’d be a liar if I said no. I’m always afraid that another episode is possible. Mostly, though, I’m afraid of what I would do without him.”

Jody and Mark

Mark Karppinen was afraid totell his new girlfriend that hesuffers from bipolar disorder.But just two weeks afterhe started dating Jody, the woman whowould become his wife, he mustered hiscourage and “just went for it.”

“I was nervous and pretty much afraid that that might be it,” says Mark, 37, who recently got a job as an addiction counselor for the Social Rehabilitation Program of the Canadian Mental Health Association. “Based on past experience, I would meet somebody and start liking them, spend some time with them,” he says. “Then they’d find out I have bipolar and they’d split.”

But Jody, 46, didn’t flinch. “I’m pretty open-minded,” she says, adding that she’d already looked past Mark’s earring, tattoos, and wild way of dressing. “I decided not to judge a book by its cover.”
During the three years they’ve been together, Mark has showed only mild symptoms of mania or depression. He attributes this to the fact that his and Jody’s primary focus as a couple is their mutual and personal wellness.

The couple, who live in Ontario, exercise daily at the gym and eat only natural foods. They also get plenty of sleep and have cut out all alcohol and cigarettes. Mark’s illness has become a secondary issue to the benefits they both get from living a healthy lifestyle.

“We just focus on that—wellness,” Jody says. “Wellness of mind, body, and spirit.” That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. There are times when Mark suffers from anxiety, as when he was interviewing for his current job. Mark says he felt comfortable talking to Jody about it, but then she “gave me my space when I needed it and rest when I needed it.

“I believe Jody made a point not to argue with me, as she felt that would be pointless when I was hypomanic,” he recalls. “In other words, she backed down. She may have lost the battle, but in the end [she] won the war because the situation wasn’t escalated out of control.”

Mark says that part of his commitment to Jody entails doing everything he can to stay well. “From my end, I slept when I needed and disciplined myself to get up when I felt I should,” he says. “I also saw my doctor and had him tweak my medication to suit my needs at the time.”

The couple recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary.

“It does occur to me that I could get ill—manic, depressed, or hypomanic for an extended period of time— [and] that could cause problems in my marriage,” Mark says. “However, I have a good understanding of my condition and take excellent care of myself today, perhaps better than some who do not have bipolar.”

Mark attributes his wellness in recent years to the love that he and Jody share. “I would have a much more difficult time without her,” he says. “She gives me a reason to work my hardest and to overcome this illness.”

Julie and Daniel

Daniel Williams, 49, admits he’s never been one of those touchy-feely kind of guys. When it comes to expressing his feelings, he’d usually rather not.

But a few years ago, that changed. Daniel’s wife, Julie Williams, 47, who has bipolar disorder, was lost in a depressive state. And Daniel, after months of frustration and fear, finally decided to speak his truth.

“I had to tell her, ‘I’ve been cutting you a lot of slack lately, but I’m suffering in this relationship,’” Daniel recalls telling Julie. “I’ve kept this inside for a long time, but I’m dying on the vine here.”
The Portland, Oregon, couple have faced many challenges since Julie began showing symptoms of bipolar disorder more than a decade ago. She was diagnosed in 2001 after several years of unsuccessful treatment for anxiety and depression. But even with proper treatment, Julie still struggles—often finding herself stuck in either a hypomanic state—chatty, hyper, and angry— or a depression that zaps her energy and makes it difficult for her to get out of bed.

“The first couple of times Daniel told me my illness was hurting him, it would make me feel really guilty,” Julie says, “like I was a bad person, a complete screw-up. But as I gained more insight into the disorder—therapy, talking about it, and living right—I was able to take it in better.”
Julie attributes the continued success of her and Daniel’s 24-year marriage to her husband’s newfound voice. “It’s important that the person who doesn’t have the illness feels that they can express their feelings, too,” Julie says. “Mental illness can make you very selfish without [your] even realizing it.”

One of the most important things the Williamses have learned is to recognize the symptoms of Julie’s illness and respond to them clinically, rather than emotionally. For example, Daniel tries not to internalize the hurtful things Julie often says while in a hypomanic state. Julie, on the other hand, tries to forgive herself when she does. “When I become really, really, really vicious, he gets his feelings hurt,” she says. “Then he expresses that to me. Then I feel just like the worst person on the planet.”

The truth of her husband’s heart shines through when “he’s the one who’s hurt, but he turns and comforts me, because Daniel knows I hate myself when I hurt someone’s feelings.”
Daniel says his and Julie’s communication skills are still evolving. “I don’t want it to sound like I’m some kind of saint or something,” he says. “The first few times I told her how I was feeling were not pretty. I wasn’t a happy camper. But I soon realized that getting all angry and worked up was not going to solve the situation. It’s just going to make Julie suck it up and act like it’s better, when it’s not. I didn’t want that, either.”

Julie says she still has to work at not instantly turning to guilt and self-loathing when Daniel expresses his needs. “Now, Daniel can say something to me and I listen,” she says. “I’m not saying I won’t feel bad, but I don’t have a complete breakdown. I tell myself, ‘It’s not your fault. You’re not doing this because you’re a bad person. Daniel is just saying that to you because he’s a real person with real needs, too.’ I talk myself through it and I’m okay.”

Rather than focus on the illness and what separates them, the Williamses say they have learned to focus on what they share—their three cats, their love of the Oregon Symphony, long walks in the woods behind their home.

“The real bottom line is you have to decide that you want this relationship to work,” Daniel says. “You start looking for ways to make it work.”

Michelle Roberts is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. A recipient of a 2004–05 Rosalynn Carter Fellowship for Mental Health Journalism, she specializes in mental health and family issues.

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Maintaining a long-term relationship or marriage when one partner has bipolar disorder is a challenge. Many couples make it work. How have you succeeded in your loving relationship? Our readers reply:
My wife and I have been married for seven years. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder I in her late teens. The success in our marriage comes from love, trust, and support. We do not let bipolar disorder run the relationship.
Instead, we set up red flags that we respond to immediately when they are seen. We keep to our daily routines, and at the same time, live every day to its fullest.
–Carl Siegel, Brooklyn, NY
I met Bob at a mental health day program in 2002. During our recovery from bipolardisorders, we fell in love and married. What worksfor us? Organization!              
This means a common, color-coded appointment calendar; charts for meal planning and recording bills; files for insurance paperwork, pharmacy receipts, and hospital records; weekly pill keepers; and clearly-outlined advanced directives for crisis situations. As a team, we depend on this married-life routine for balance and greater control over stressful ups and downs!
–Lisa Whelan, Bradenton, FL               
I was misdiagnosed until my 33rd year of life. I was married to a wonderful man, but our relationship was strained all of those years because of my illness—only we didn’t know I had an illness.               
We divorced, but remained good friends. I ended up engaged to a man I didn’t love and last year, following a suicide attempt, my ex-husband took me back in and helped me get better.               
We are now remarried. I’m as stable as I’ve ever been and life is good and comfortable. It took a very long time and much heartache to get here.
–A. T., Houston, TX
While communication is a vital asset to any healthy relationship, personal responsibility seems to be as important.
My mood swings are just that: mine, and I am solely responsible for managing them. I ask my partner for compassion, but I never ask her to lower her expectations of me because I have bipolar.
Recovery is my lifestyle, not an end in itself, and as long as I work toward wellness, my partner works with me.
–Steve Morgan, Windsor, VT
If you are dating someone new and you already have the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, tell the other of your diagnosis. At the same time, give him or her supportive information and facts on this disorder.
Some may choose to stay with you and get outside support. The ones who choose not to stay, well, don’t blame them because they are being honest with themselves that they can’t handle such a major illness. I learned that from experience.
–Eileen Marshall, New Westminster, British Columbia
If I had had a loving spouse who would have taken me to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me, I might still be married to him today. But for him, it was just easier to leave our 10-year marriage than to work on it or find out what was wrong with me.
–Becca Enyard, Oak Harbor, WA
One thing to make sure of is that you have a well-informed spouse. Without them knowing about what’s different about you, it’s very hard for them to live with you. As all do, I have my good and bad days, but the goal is to have more good than bad! I love my wife!
–Joe Giordano, Dallas, GA
My husband and I have been married for more than eight years and calling the bipolar disorders that my son and I have a “challenge” is very much an understatement. We are sponges when it comes to education and tips that can be helpful to our situation.
The most important key is to have a very open and nonjudgmental line of communication among all of us. We know that it will probably never be easy and the word “normal” is out of the question, but through our deeply committed love and most importantly, Our Heavenly Father, all things are possible.
–Brooke Chris, Westfield, IN
I have been married to my wonderful husband for six years. Yes, it has its challenges with him being bipolar and going through his ups and downs, which we both go through.         
I’m always there to listen or help to take care of him when he’s down. Sometimes bipolar is hard to live with when you are the spouse, and I know it is hard on my husband and other people. With all of that, we make it work and love each other and I know that he is a loving and caring husband and father.
–C. H., Philadelphia, PA
I must start off by saying that God has had a big part in the success of our marriage. In December, my husband and I will be married 21 years. My bipolar didn’t get really bad until my second child was born 17 years ago.              
I asked my husband how we’ve managed to stay married for so long, and he said through lots of communication and patience. My husband is a very special person. He is the most unselfish person I have ever met. He has learned over the years to separate who I am as a person from my illness.               
If you don’t separate the two it’s very hard to cope and easy to take everything to heart. So many times my illness has been harsh and out of control, but he knows that is not who I really am. My husband looks at it no differently than if I had cancer or diabetes.               
We take very seriously our vows of “in sickness or in health.” It took him a long time to realize he couldn’t fix it, but when he did, it was easier for him to cope. When I am feeling well or functioning better, I am able to show him a lot more of myself and how much I love him. He appreciates those times.
–Laura Geiger, Colorado Springs, CO
My husband and I initially tried to make our relationship work after the bipolar diagnosis. I guess the pressure got the best of him. He didn’t try to understand the disorder, and was unable to cope with the mood swings.               
He left me July 23, and filed for divorce on August 9, while I was in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt. We are still in the process of the divorce. My loving family, however, has been reading and educating themselves to speed up my recovery. So you can say my relationship with my family is now more successful!
–H. S., Uniontown, OH
Education ... I take my boyfriend to every support group I belong to. It’s cheap and he can better understand what I’m going through when he hears it from someone else, rather than me ranting and raving.               
I also take him with me to see my therapist to better understand what goes through my head and why I think the way I do. Also, since my body is sensitive to my meds, my therapist explains why it’s so important that I am on them.
–Deana Mancini, Drexel Hill, PA
Long-term relationships, especially marriages, are often difficult under the most ideal circumstances. Anyone living with bipolar disorder (either themselves or their spouse) can attest to the fact that it adds a level of tension and a lack of predictability, which most would find trying.               
For a relationship to be successful, both spouses must have a strong understanding of the illness as well as which moods/ actions/thoughts are due to the disorder, and which are just part of life.               
It is also very important that spouses of those who have bipolar not internalize outbursts and rage, and understand these outbursts and rage are not their fault or even necessarily directed at them.               
At the same time, the person who has bipolar must make every attempt to be respectful of and kind to his or her spouse. It is a serious illness, but we cannot allow it to dominate our lives, or become an excuse for poor behavior. Education, communication, and understanding are essential for a healthy relationship.
–N. B., Houston, TX
My husband and I learned about bipolar disorder together and made it a top priority to educate ourselves as much as possible. We chart my moods together each day and he knows enough to be able to help if he notices any drastic change in how I’m acting. It takes patience, but with education and communication, it can definitely be a happy and successful relationship.
–B. C., Houghton, MI
Nothing positive here. She is afraid of me, and I have done nothing wrong. I am more up than down, but the down is scary for her.               
My last name is Stagg, and I think that is the way that I am going to be for the rest of my life: “stag.”
–M. S., Ellicott City, MD
“Not very well: one divorce and now in my second marriage, a separation,” is my response. When a loved one loses himself in your illness, that is, when it goes from support to a point where they might not be able to get free, the only recourse they see is to leave.
Only by good communication and counseling could you head off a bad ending to a good relationship.
–Thomas Wilcenski, Pewaukee, WI
For the past three years, my boyfriend and I have had a long-distance relationship that has worked wonderfully. My poor interpersonal and relational skills don’t seem to get in the way. We are now temporarily living together, and I hope it continues to work. As far as marriage, I have not figured that one out yet.
–T. J. G., Hudson, NH
My husband and I are both Scorpios. We get at each other’s throats now and then, but we maintain a healthy relationship by amazing understanding, excellent communication, and extra love.               
Our love is so profound and real, it outweighs all obstacles. I love him dearly, and to me he is a dream come true. I couldn’t have chosen a more wonderful man.
–Dominique Higgins, Chicago, IL